Thursday, December 11, 2008

They Grow Up Too Fast

James is now 1month old and is weighing in at 8lbs. Last night was the first time he slept in his room. It was so weired not having him right next to me in his bassinet were I can check on him all I want. I think he got more sleep then I did because I couldn't stop worrying that I wouldn't hear him cry.

Well he made it through the night (much better than me) and actually slept for 4 hrs strait which was GREAT!

Napping in his crib.
He is starting to smile when you talk to him and is really big on kisses. He tries to suck on any part of your face you put close to him.

1 comment:

Rachel Briese said...

Oh this is so cute!!! R U laying him on his stomach? I heard that you where supposed to lay them on their back or side they get better air!